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Transforms each variable in a dataset toward central normality using re-weighted maximum likelihood to robustly fit the Box-Cox or Yeo-Johnson transformation.


robustBCYJ(x, var = NULL, type = "bestObj", quantile = 0.99, nbsteps = 2)



A data frame or tibble containing the variables to be transformed.


A vector of character or numeric variable names to be transformed. If NULL (default), all columns are selected.


A character string specifying the transformation method(s) to use. Allowed values are "BC", "YJ", or "bestObj" (default).


A numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the quantile to use for determining the weights in the re-weighting step. Default is 0.99.


An integer specifying the number of re-weighting steps to perform. Default is 2.


A list containing two data frames:

  • summary:

    • variable: the variable(s) name

    • lambda: the estimated lambda parameter

    • method: the method used ('BC' for Box-Cox or 'YJ' for Yeo-Johnson)

    • objective: the objective function value

  • transformation:

    • the transformed variable(s)


The Box-Cox and Yeo-Johnson transformations are power transformations aimed at making the data distribution more normal-like. The Box-Cox transformation is suitable for strictly positive values, while the Yeo-Johnson transformation can handle both positive and negative values. The function is a wrapper around the transfo function from the cellWise package, which applies a robust version of these transformations by using re-weighted maximum likelihood estimation. This approach downweights outlying observations to make the transformation more robust to their influence.

The type parameter controls which transformation method(s) to use:

  • "BC": Only applies the Box-Cox transformation to strictly positive variables.

  • "YJ": Only applies the Yeo-Johnson transformation to all variables.

  • "bestObj" (default): For strictly positive variables, both BC and YJ are applied, and the solution with the lowest objective function value is kept. For variables with negative values, only YJ is applied.


  • Raymaekers, J., Rousseeuw, P.J., (2021). Transforming variables to central normality. Machine Learning,

  • Box, G. E. P., Cox, D. R. (1964). An analysis of transformations. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B, 26:211–252.


Christian L. Goueguel